Thursday 17 December 2009

Well, things are well fucked up ay' lad

Oh dear, oh dear.
Hello again reader (if anyone bothers to read these), I’ve decided to only post when something big-ish happens.
Well it’s all been happening this last week; I’m going to start with the bad.
Basically, I’m incredibly pissed off with a certain Ben Bradbury, I’ll try to explain (and possibly vent my frustration here and not into the msn conversation with Katie). Well the stupid thing is it doesn’t actually concern Ben at all, but his friend Dylan (Dillon?), basically this Dylan has been harassing Sian and her friend Emma for god-knows how long, months.. And it finally came to the point when we decided enough was enough, but somehow we ended up talking to Ben about Dylan instead. It was hard to keep it neutral but I tried so hard not to end up shouting and arguing (I hate that stuff, some people never realize it doesn’t help) and succeeded, even when the conversation was turning stupid, we where trying to explain to Ben, why we dislike Dylan. But he wouldn’t even hear a word against him; although he contradicted himself by claiming when he was with Sian he got annoyed at Dylan too! So surly he must understand! But no, it seems not. I mean, as much as people like Josh would love me to hate Ben, I don't because there is no point to it; he hasn't done anything against me as far as I know ever, ever! But right now especially I’m just so frustrated at him and his attitude! It’s like when we end an argument, he starts it again! When we are specifically talking about Dylan, he seems to think we mean him and leaves the conversation claiming we have "always been mean to him for no reason" excuse me? We are not even freaking talking about you Ben! Stop taking things so personally, you can't go through life if you don’t learn to listen to people when they are trying to help!!
Phew this is definitely venting some anger.
Yeah well with that gone I feel slightly better now, felt like shit before, what with the Ben affair and reading Heather's blog posts, makes me sad. I don't understand what she's going through and even though we are obviously not best friends (just because, you know, we're not), I wish I cold help, but I don't see how. Maybe she’ll find it good to know someone, even, to be honest; a stranger like me cares? And I know you may well read this Heather, and I, wish I could help; I hate to see anyone down, even people I don’t know. (I’m resisting the urge to put sad face emoticons here at the moment) Though I could say I know her fairly well, there are definitely people who know so much more, we only met by default through Katie, and I can safely say we get along so much better then I do with Abbie.
Oh dear I would say "why can't life be simple" but I know the answer I would give to it...

Maybe its time to leave these depressing stories in the darkness and open a new page in the story of happiness and love. Well I’ll start with the fact I’ve had my fist kiss! Ever, ha-ha bet your laughing now going "oh my god he’s so like a 6 year old getting exited at kissing"... well I say "screw you and your judgment"; But yeah, it started with like, a peck on the lips (we'd been cheek kissing for a while) and um, the next day we did it for longer, and so on... Well I know understand the hype about this stuff, every time we kiss I get this amazing tingle in my chest and butterflies flutter-by inside me (poetic eh). Mmm so yeah, can't wait to do that again. It keeps me so warm and fuzzy inside. Sian wasn't even at school today because she had some illness of the throaty kind, I felt horrible! Honestly can't describe it, although I may know what love sick is now, I think it’s when the butterflies in your stomach are so bad you feel ill... But that’s just me. But yeah I get to see her and hug her and hold her tomorrow! And then the rest of the Christmas holidays! It will be awesome.
Well, I can’t think of anything else to put here today. There will be most likely more for tomorrow the last half day of school. Realized that the last lesson today was the last lesson of the decade! Man 10 years has gone past fast; I hope life doesn’t go like this it’ll be over before it begins!

Ha-ha well anyway I’m off for now; the internet here has failed so I’m going to save this to a word.doc and paste it into blogger after I’ve restarted the computer.


Song of the day:
"I think I’ve walked too close to love, and now I’m falling in,
There's so many things this weary soul can't take,
Maybe you just caught me by surprise,
The first time that I looked into your eyes,

Cos there’s a life inside of me, that I can feel again,
And it’s the only thing that takes me where I’ve never been,
And I don’t care if I lost everything that I have known,
Cos it don’t matter where I lay my head tonight,
Your arms feel like home, feel like home..."

3 Doors Down - Your Arms Feel Like Home
What an album. =]

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