Wednesday 9 December 2009

"Let it snow, baby... Let It Reindeer"

Well, it seems i missed a few days, whoops...
I think I'll only blog here if I'm bored or something major happens, yeah.
Anyway, today, today-today hm lets see...
Nothing happened.. I think...

Well I'll just talk about crap then, my mum tasked me to find some new Christmas themed music, so i set about my task with an air of enthusiasm and thanks to google and the search "New Christmas rock songs" i came across an amusing song by Blink 182 called "Won't be home for Christmas", basically its about how the person hates Christmas and all the happiness, thought it suited Katie loads, depressing child ha ha, she doesn't like Christmas! why? Oh there will be a reason or five... Anyway i continued searching but didn't find much else. I'd also posted a request for songs on Facebook and asked a few people on MSN but nothing was happening UNTIL Katie informed me of a band she'd found called Reliant K who had a Christmas album, i didn't tell her id already heard of this band from my google search but didn't investigate any of their songs..

But i listened to their album on YouTube and was impressed, it was exactly what i wanted!

So through some not so complicated data transferring via website and pen drive i soon had the album on my Itunes! I'm actually listening to the album right now, its really good. It has songs composed by the band on but also numerous rock covers of well known carols such as "Deck the Halls" "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" and "The 12 Days Of Christmas". And it also has a version of "Auld Lang Syne" (song you sing at new year, if you didn't know) that has the best harmony I've ever heard!

I advise anyone reading this to search YouTube for "Reliant K Christmas Album" and have a listen, i guarantee you'll be impressed... In fact, i bet your all too lazy to, so here it is: Link

You lazy children....

Well, the Christmas album has just finished, its 5 past 12 at night, and I'm tired. So i think I'll sign off for today. It seems i constantly look foreword to school now, just because i get to see Sian! But i wont get exited now cos i wont get to sleep for hours now. Wow that's weird, every time i think of Sian i can smell her perfume...

The mind is a funny fellow indeed, not that I'm complaining, its lovely in fact, when we hug at school some of it must like rub off onto my jumper because after hugging her my arm always smells of her, bet people wonder why I'm constantly sniffing my arm during lessons, if only they knew....

Ooh i can say one thing that really pisses me off, the fucking plastics (and of course, "the blob) constantly bothering me and Sian about our relationship, only yesterday one asked "How far have you gone?" i mean what the hell girl? Since when did it matter to you? and why do you care anyway? oh i know, its so you can go tell everyone and be the center of attention, that's it. What a fucking joke. So anyway i just ignored her (the trick I've learned with these people, is not to give in and tell them, its what they want. Luckily I'm used to this with my brother so can ignore someone for a very long time) but she kept asking over and over then said "your going to tell me!" and i said "No I'm not" then she said "you have too" and i just went "no" and turned away. I was so annoyed with her i flt like jumping up and shouting at her to fuck the hell off but obviously i didn't, but i was really angry inside and i know that when I'm angry i tend to snap at people for no reason, so i just kept quiet and listened to what the guys where saying, unfortunately this led Sian to believe i was upset about something which upset her too, but i explained and all was well, but it was so comforting to know she cares, it always is, that's why i love her so much.

For some reason this has made my eyes slightly more watery then usual, i always get more emotional when I'm tired, a few weeks ago i was listening to "My Immortal" to lull me too sleep (which it does) but instead i ended up crying and i don't know why, i couldn't help myself.. But anyway, i found it relieving to see there was some emotion in me, i haven't cried for ages, i mean ages. I've stopped myself from crying when i shouldn't have and now I'm ashamed of it, i think its because i used to have this annoying habit of at school if i got told off badly or put in detention i would cry, and i guess its cos its really embarrassing. So I've become stone hearted, and its sucks man, its horrible.

Just realised how much I've written on a post i didn't think i would, but that's cool.

For some reason i want someone to read this, no anyone in particular just someone i know so they can see how i am, i don't think many people understand how i think, and i cant explain it either.

Well its late now so,

"It'd be so nice to look out the window,
And see the leaves on the tree's begin to show,
The birds would congregate and sing,
A song of birth a song of newer things,

The wind will calm and the sun would shine,
I'd go outside and i'd squint my eyes,
But for now I'll simply just withdraw,
Sit here and wait for this world to thaw...."

In Like A Lion (Always Winter) - Reliant K


  1. I read it too! :) George if they do that again tell me and I'll "politly" (;)) tell them to shuv off and get on with there own crappy boring lives. :)
