Thursday 17 December 2009

Well, things are well fucked up ay' lad

Oh dear, oh dear.
Hello again reader (if anyone bothers to read these), I’ve decided to only post when something big-ish happens.
Well it’s all been happening this last week; I’m going to start with the bad.
Basically, I’m incredibly pissed off with a certain Ben Bradbury, I’ll try to explain (and possibly vent my frustration here and not into the msn conversation with Katie). Well the stupid thing is it doesn’t actually concern Ben at all, but his friend Dylan (Dillon?), basically this Dylan has been harassing Sian and her friend Emma for god-knows how long, months.. And it finally came to the point when we decided enough was enough, but somehow we ended up talking to Ben about Dylan instead. It was hard to keep it neutral but I tried so hard not to end up shouting and arguing (I hate that stuff, some people never realize it doesn’t help) and succeeded, even when the conversation was turning stupid, we where trying to explain to Ben, why we dislike Dylan. But he wouldn’t even hear a word against him; although he contradicted himself by claiming when he was with Sian he got annoyed at Dylan too! So surly he must understand! But no, it seems not. I mean, as much as people like Josh would love me to hate Ben, I don't because there is no point to it; he hasn't done anything against me as far as I know ever, ever! But right now especially I’m just so frustrated at him and his attitude! It’s like when we end an argument, he starts it again! When we are specifically talking about Dylan, he seems to think we mean him and leaves the conversation claiming we have "always been mean to him for no reason" excuse me? We are not even freaking talking about you Ben! Stop taking things so personally, you can't go through life if you don’t learn to listen to people when they are trying to help!!
Phew this is definitely venting some anger.
Yeah well with that gone I feel slightly better now, felt like shit before, what with the Ben affair and reading Heather's blog posts, makes me sad. I don't understand what she's going through and even though we are obviously not best friends (just because, you know, we're not), I wish I cold help, but I don't see how. Maybe she’ll find it good to know someone, even, to be honest; a stranger like me cares? And I know you may well read this Heather, and I, wish I could help; I hate to see anyone down, even people I don’t know. (I’m resisting the urge to put sad face emoticons here at the moment) Though I could say I know her fairly well, there are definitely people who know so much more, we only met by default through Katie, and I can safely say we get along so much better then I do with Abbie.
Oh dear I would say "why can't life be simple" but I know the answer I would give to it...

Maybe its time to leave these depressing stories in the darkness and open a new page in the story of happiness and love. Well I’ll start with the fact I’ve had my fist kiss! Ever, ha-ha bet your laughing now going "oh my god he’s so like a 6 year old getting exited at kissing"... well I say "screw you and your judgment"; But yeah, it started with like, a peck on the lips (we'd been cheek kissing for a while) and um, the next day we did it for longer, and so on... Well I know understand the hype about this stuff, every time we kiss I get this amazing tingle in my chest and butterflies flutter-by inside me (poetic eh). Mmm so yeah, can't wait to do that again. It keeps me so warm and fuzzy inside. Sian wasn't even at school today because she had some illness of the throaty kind, I felt horrible! Honestly can't describe it, although I may know what love sick is now, I think it’s when the butterflies in your stomach are so bad you feel ill... But that’s just me. But yeah I get to see her and hug her and hold her tomorrow! And then the rest of the Christmas holidays! It will be awesome.
Well, I can’t think of anything else to put here today. There will be most likely more for tomorrow the last half day of school. Realized that the last lesson today was the last lesson of the decade! Man 10 years has gone past fast; I hope life doesn’t go like this it’ll be over before it begins!

Ha-ha well anyway I’m off for now; the internet here has failed so I’m going to save this to a word.doc and paste it into blogger after I’ve restarted the computer.


Song of the day:
"I think I’ve walked too close to love, and now I’m falling in,
There's so many things this weary soul can't take,
Maybe you just caught me by surprise,
The first time that I looked into your eyes,

Cos there’s a life inside of me, that I can feel again,
And it’s the only thing that takes me where I’ve never been,
And I don’t care if I lost everything that I have known,
Cos it don’t matter where I lay my head tonight,
Your arms feel like home, feel like home..."

3 Doors Down - Your Arms Feel Like Home
What an album. =]

Thursday 10 December 2009

"Sing a song of christmas"

Howdy All,
Well todays should be a short one but you never know, not after the last post...
Hmm well Life rolls on at its usual pace and my heart slowly beats away the days of my life,
Ooh thats quite good, wonder if i could make a song outa that, by the way its copyrighted now becasue ive written it down so dont get any ideas people....
(Copyright George December 2009)

Ha ha anyway, mm well the highlight of the day was definatly Film Club, or as Sians mum rightly put it "Snog Club"... Ha well the movie we watched was called "American Splendor" and to be honest, it sucked, it was hard to understand what was going on and i didnt like the story, just someone explaining how crap their life is. Obviously everyone else thought that because eveyone went hyper and completely of their heads on energy drink i think. So yeah even if you'd wanted too you couldnt have heard much of the film over the laughter of the audience. But we all know the reasons you go to the "cinema" with girlfriends and boyfriends, its just a lovely excuse to hug and kiss them constantly, which is what happened. And i loved every second of it.

One last thing, in case you dont know i have curly hair, which really annoys me as its uncontrollable and cant be styled in any way, so i did a quick test using the straighteners and as i've never used any before the result was average...

Well i think i'm done here really, short and to the point post if you ask me.

And the song of the day is:

"Meet me after dark again And I'll hold you (hold you)
I am nothing more than to see you there (hold you)
And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

If only night could hold you
Where I can see you, my love
Then let me never ever wake again
And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn"

Before The Dawn - Evenescence

Oh dear, ive just been informed of some bad stuff over MSN...

Wednesday 9 December 2009

"Let it snow, baby... Let It Reindeer"

Well, it seems i missed a few days, whoops...
I think I'll only blog here if I'm bored or something major happens, yeah.
Anyway, today, today-today hm lets see...
Nothing happened.. I think...

Well I'll just talk about crap then, my mum tasked me to find some new Christmas themed music, so i set about my task with an air of enthusiasm and thanks to google and the search "New Christmas rock songs" i came across an amusing song by Blink 182 called "Won't be home for Christmas", basically its about how the person hates Christmas and all the happiness, thought it suited Katie loads, depressing child ha ha, she doesn't like Christmas! why? Oh there will be a reason or five... Anyway i continued searching but didn't find much else. I'd also posted a request for songs on Facebook and asked a few people on MSN but nothing was happening UNTIL Katie informed me of a band she'd found called Reliant K who had a Christmas album, i didn't tell her id already heard of this band from my google search but didn't investigate any of their songs..

But i listened to their album on YouTube and was impressed, it was exactly what i wanted!

So through some not so complicated data transferring via website and pen drive i soon had the album on my Itunes! I'm actually listening to the album right now, its really good. It has songs composed by the band on but also numerous rock covers of well known carols such as "Deck the Halls" "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" and "The 12 Days Of Christmas". And it also has a version of "Auld Lang Syne" (song you sing at new year, if you didn't know) that has the best harmony I've ever heard!

I advise anyone reading this to search YouTube for "Reliant K Christmas Album" and have a listen, i guarantee you'll be impressed... In fact, i bet your all too lazy to, so here it is: Link

You lazy children....

Well, the Christmas album has just finished, its 5 past 12 at night, and I'm tired. So i think I'll sign off for today. It seems i constantly look foreword to school now, just because i get to see Sian! But i wont get exited now cos i wont get to sleep for hours now. Wow that's weird, every time i think of Sian i can smell her perfume...

The mind is a funny fellow indeed, not that I'm complaining, its lovely in fact, when we hug at school some of it must like rub off onto my jumper because after hugging her my arm always smells of her, bet people wonder why I'm constantly sniffing my arm during lessons, if only they knew....

Ooh i can say one thing that really pisses me off, the fucking plastics (and of course, "the blob) constantly bothering me and Sian about our relationship, only yesterday one asked "How far have you gone?" i mean what the hell girl? Since when did it matter to you? and why do you care anyway? oh i know, its so you can go tell everyone and be the center of attention, that's it. What a fucking joke. So anyway i just ignored her (the trick I've learned with these people, is not to give in and tell them, its what they want. Luckily I'm used to this with my brother so can ignore someone for a very long time) but she kept asking over and over then said "your going to tell me!" and i said "No I'm not" then she said "you have too" and i just went "no" and turned away. I was so annoyed with her i flt like jumping up and shouting at her to fuck the hell off but obviously i didn't, but i was really angry inside and i know that when I'm angry i tend to snap at people for no reason, so i just kept quiet and listened to what the guys where saying, unfortunately this led Sian to believe i was upset about something which upset her too, but i explained and all was well, but it was so comforting to know she cares, it always is, that's why i love her so much.

For some reason this has made my eyes slightly more watery then usual, i always get more emotional when I'm tired, a few weeks ago i was listening to "My Immortal" to lull me too sleep (which it does) but instead i ended up crying and i don't know why, i couldn't help myself.. But anyway, i found it relieving to see there was some emotion in me, i haven't cried for ages, i mean ages. I've stopped myself from crying when i shouldn't have and now I'm ashamed of it, i think its because i used to have this annoying habit of at school if i got told off badly or put in detention i would cry, and i guess its cos its really embarrassing. So I've become stone hearted, and its sucks man, its horrible.

Just realised how much I've written on a post i didn't think i would, but that's cool.

For some reason i want someone to read this, no anyone in particular just someone i know so they can see how i am, i don't think many people understand how i think, and i cant explain it either.

Well its late now so,

"It'd be so nice to look out the window,
And see the leaves on the tree's begin to show,
The birds would congregate and sing,
A song of birth a song of newer things,

The wind will calm and the sun would shine,
I'd go outside and i'd squint my eyes,
But for now I'll simply just withdraw,
Sit here and wait for this world to thaw...."

In Like A Lion (Always Winter) - Reliant K

Sunday 6 December 2009

Next one =]

Well, today's been pretty crap, well the start was but the ends been average.
Started the day doing that essay i spoke of in the last entry, finally got it done! Cant say how happy that made me. Its funny, yesterday i couldn't think what to write but today it just happened! The words came and i finished it in half the time it took me to write a paragraph yesterday (basically all day).
So yeah, i was overjoyed to have it finished and did a jig, just kidding.
Dunno what happened to the rest of the day, i cant remember to be honest. But right now at 25 to 8 I'm sitting in the living room on my laptop writing this and listening to the amazing new album "Dear Agony" by Breaking Benjamin, who are by far my favorite band of all time. I dunno how you describe why you like a certain band the best, i can say i like the whole Emo/Rock/Screamo stuff because to me it is exiting to listen too. And some songs are good to sing too (or attempt to). I like BB(Breaking Benjamin) the most because they have a good quality of musical skill, write good songs and catchy tunes, and play awesome guitar pieces in the songs.
(Ooh my favorite one has come on: "Without You")...
Hm well the family seem to be watching Countryfile on TV, i don't really understand the thrills from watching a farmer walking sheep down a road, but each to their own i guess.
Cant wait for tomorrow, i get to see Sian again, (Sian is my girlfriend by the way).
Mm well i could go on forever about how amazing she is but i wont, i'll just say she is my everything and i don't know what id do without her, plus she gives the greatest hugs ever! We annoy our friends by having hugs that last like 5 minutes, people start taping their feet and going "no rush, at all" and i just think "no there isn't" and carry on, i could hold her forever because it keeps me so happy and i hate it when people pull us apart or make remarks no matter how jokingly (which unfortunately happens). Too all those searching for their soul mate (such as one of my best friends, who most likely wont read this) i say hold on, don't give up, if they are the right person then they will realise. And to people suffering a break-up i can only give my deepest sadness.
Enough of that though, Batman Begins is on ITV at 8 (or is it half 8?) i dunno but its a really good movie that I've only seen once, just in case my parents turn evil and decide i cant watch it I've set the Free Sat-Box to record it. Clever eh....
Well its been a long entry today, so much to say.
Be back tomorrow dudes.


Saturday 5 December 2009

*Yawn* First Post? Oh, okay...

As the title says *yawn*.....
Well, its saturday, 15:24 pm on the 5th of december. A day when all should be outside enjoying the crisp winter air as it falls down from the atmosphere like a blanket of chilly-ness.
But no, guess what, im here, inside, attempting to write this English Essay..
Its Shakespeare, title is "How does Shakespeare make Act 3, Scene 1 Tense and Exiting?" my answer: Who gives a fuck.
Honestly, if the English dept are trying to make us admire his work they've got another thing coming, essays are just cunning ways to turn kids against great works of literature forever.
This essay's for monday, and ive done 3 paragraphs. I should be writing it rather then this but im past the point of caring, which is never good, ever.
The same Itunes playlist has been playing the same songs over and over, its my Homework playlist so is made of slow type songs to enable me to think while listning. Unfortunatly these slow songs are usually the depressing ones (such as My Immortal - Evanescence, which is on now) which really help to make this dull, grey afternoon so much more exiting, i wish.
*Another yawn* Right, so if i look out the window i can see the only christmas tree around, in the house accross the way's living room. They never remember to shut the curtains so always give me a veiw ito their living room. Not much furniture but thats probably cos they're young people. I seem to be learning about them though, the man spends all day on the computer and the woman just hoovers the same spot repeatedly. They have a son too, a small boy who seems to have grown in like a week.. strange. But enough of that, makes me sound like a nosy person, which im not.
I would write more, but anyone whos reading this is probably bored, il describe my life tommorow...
