Friday 15 January 2010

Just felt like writing something, emotional :L

“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let fate deal with the things they do, because hate in your heart will consume you too.”

Life's not perfect, we all know that. Yet each of us should strive to make it as good for the next person as possible. Go out of our way just slightly to help that extra person. Not in the silly ways people like teachers put it like holding doors and saying thanks. No this is deeper, the very inner workings of human emotion. We should strive to ensure those around us are at least content with the world. If they're not, we should at least attempt to help them, and sometimes even trying to listen to what the helper is trying to say can make so much difference. If we are unable to help those most in need, we should question ourselves to perceive the answer.
To taunt and upset purposefully will eventually rot your core until there is nothing but a stone cold shell from which the only emotion is hate and disgust. But likewise to give up on yourself, or on those who love you most is another form of inner corruption. The kind that will leave you alone in the dark, the kind that will turn the world grey and the food to ash. These events cannot be undone, so for those who strive to reach the light as all human beings do, do not follow the path to despair. If things are not working, find ways to fix them. If people are not helping, do not look to them for help but instead turn to those you will give you it straight from their hearts. Look at the world today, the earthquakes that kill millions and destroy families and relationships, do not give up on life until you have suffered as they have suffered and bled as they have bled. Not the petty self-inflicted wounds of an attention seeking individual crying out for help but too afraid to ask for it. But the blood of family that stains your shirt, the remains of children you cradle in your arms. Only then at the end of all things you may lie down and die. But they don't, something keeps them going, forces greater then any upon this earth, forces science cannot understand and humanity cannot control; Love and Hope. So embrace these feelings, wrap yourself in them and hold them tight. If your life is good, take a look around and see the others who have suffered to create that life for you, for there is always someone in the shadows, calling out to you.


  1. Wow. That's really good and wise! You put quite a lot of stuff into perspective..

  2. Yeah, im proud of it. I think everyone should listen up and take heed.
