Saturday 20 February 2010

Parants, the bane of every child..

Haha well to cut to the chase because of an obsene post someone put on my brothers facebook me and him are now not allowed our laptops upstairs, they have to be 'where we can see you'.. They're obviously forgetting the fact that with me sitting here in the corner they cant see what i'm doing anyway..
But to be honest due to my nature, i had 10 minites of standing by myself in my room thinking about nothing, then all frustration had just, gone.. I'm suprised at myself how fast i vent my anger without even having to hit anything or shout. When dad shouted at me to 'tell the truth' (which i was) i was extremely tempted to tell him that shouting may have scared me into telling everything when i was 7.. but now it just makes me less inclined to tell him anything because of his attitude. Well i shouldnt put it all against them they're just trying too hard to 'look after us'..  But possibly cant accept that the world isnt a pretty place whre all their rules are abayed, sear words do become part of natural language as you get older and they CANNOT tell me they have NEVER lied or broken rules before.  And they never had internet trouble, because they didnt have internet in the frikking stone age!! It's almost laughable in a weird way.
I liked their speech about how untrustworthy we are, when they've known us longer then me know our-selves and so obviously know what type of people we are, fail parants i'm sorry.
Oh and they said they didnt understand the thrills of plastering yourself over the internet, wake up the internet is the world in this age! And im doing it right now.

Hehe ohh anyway i had a great day on thursday, a day with Sian = Heaven.
But thats all you need to know hehe.
Bye for now!

"I will not bow, I will not break,
I will shut the world away,
I will not fall, I will not fake,
I will take your breath away.."

1 comment:

  1. Lets get all our parents and put them in one big house and lock them in. :')
